The process of applying for a scholarship differs from one university to other. Therefore, the first thing to do is carefully study the rules. They are usually listed on the website of the program or university. It is essential to follow the points, excluding any improvisation. Well, now let’s answer the main question – why do I deserve this scholarship?
It is necessary to learn that personal knowledge and abilities, combined with desire and motivation, enable absolutely all students to participate in educational programs. Funding for student programs is growing rapidly.
It is worth noting that grants and scholarships can be received not only by excellent students but also by students with a difficult financial situation or finding themselves in a difficult life situation. It is this segment of society that the Foundations cover.
Getting a scholarship or grant that would cover 100% of the training cost is challenging but realistic. This requires the student’s serious preparation for participation in the program and high academic performance and active out-of-university development of the candidate, such as in the sports field, volunteering, scientific activity, or achievements in creativity.
It is easier to get a scholarship that covers half of the tuition fees. In this case, the requirements are lower, but the costs of housing, meals, and travel are not included in the amount of the scholarship.
For example, a candidate from a European country can qualify for a scholarship if he meets the following essential criteria:
- high academic performance while at school;
- participation in Olympiads and competitions;
- the average score of the diploma/certificate is not lower than the average level;
- high achievements in sports, creativity, etc.;
- multiple language skills;
- you have good characteristics from teachers.
These are the basic requirements for a candidate to assess their chance of getting a scholarship. As a rule, the mandatory criteria for a student are drawn up by the funding initiator. If you meet these requirements, then you have every chance of getting a scholarship.
How to Answer Why Are You Applying for This Scholarship Without Bragging
To increase the likelihood of receiving a scholarship to study, start preparing for the program in advance. Improve your academic performance, train your language skills, and take an active part in university life and beyond. You are probably wondering on how to answer why you are applying for this scholarship to retell biography or boasting.
The first thing to do is to identify participation goals in this project, short-term and long-term. Indicate in a letter to the university or college the usefulness of your participation in the program, what skills you are willing to share with colleagues. Are there scientific publications related to the specialization of teaching? Fine! Be sure to mention them in your letter. Just articles on similar topics written by you will do. Do you visit specialized exhibitions? Share this information with the coordinators. Indicate experience of international communication, if any.
Do not be afraid to tell the commission your plans for the future:
- in what area you strive to work;
- how you plan to use the knowledge gained.
It will not be superfluous to mention your strengths, which will help you during the program. The facilitators will appreciate your sincerity and self-presentation skills. This will be your answer to the question – why do you deserve this scholarship?
Think and decide what makes you and your letter stand out from the group of applicants for a scholarship. This could be work experience in your field or a related field. You can work with the writing and formatting of the letter by making it a little less formal.
If you are applying for several university programs at once, take the time to write a letter of motivation separately for each program. If you decide to leave the main body unchanged, highlight the details you want to emphasize in each letter.
Often we do not pay enough attention to details, and this is a great chance to get some extra points when writing a letter for a scholarship. Be sure to indicate skills that are not directly related to the program: confident use of specialized computer programs, floristry courses, or hobby for freestyle wrestling.
Start your motivation letter to the university in a good mood and being confident in your abilities. Do not send the letter immediately after writing. Leave enough time to edit it, but don’t overdo it.
Tips on How to Indicate Why Are You a Good Candidate for This Scholarship
For each grant or scholarship program, motivation letters or essays are written within a specific format. Follow Write My Essay Paper guidelines and structure your text.
The length of a cover letter is often 500 words. It consists of a short introduction (appeal to the commission), two main parts, and a conclusion (thanks to the commission for their attention). In the first part, you write:
- why do you want to study in your chosen country and chosen university;
- what you want to learn and why;
- why exactly you should receive this scholarship;
- how you intend to apply the knowledge gained.
Please note that the criteria for assessing student achievement may vary depending on the program. Some contests only evaluate academic achievement. Achievements outside the educational process also guide others. All of this should be indicated in the letter.
The motivation letter should be within the format on the one hand and original on the other. Only in this way it will attract the attention of the selection committee.
Letters from the teacher will be the right answer about why are you a good candidate for this scholarship. Letters of recommendation from your teachers or employers must be written in English. When signing the message, the teacher must indicate the full name, academic degrees, contact phone number, and email address. The employer indicates the name, position, and contacts.
Reread the questionnaire, letters, and essays carefully. Could you make sure there are no errors in them? If you are not sure of yourself, let someone fluent in a foreign language read it. Documents with spelling or grammatical errors do not inspire respect for the applicant.
Format and layout are two essential points. If the website of the scholarship or grant program has requirements for registration, please follow them. The only place where you can allow yourself some freedom is a motivation letter. The rest of the documents must prove that you are a serious person.
Before submitting your documents, make sure you have everything you need. As a rule, applications with an incomplete package of documents are not considered. They do not even fall into the hands of the commission, since they are weeded out at the very first stage.
Most often, applications for grants or scholarships (including a package of documents) are accepted by email. But often, a transcript or a notarized translation of a diploma must be sent by mail. Initially, make two or three copies at once in case the letter gets lost. You will save time and can quickly send a second copy.
Let’s take a look at an example, where the student successfully answered why do they deserve the scholarship:
“I am sure that at your university I will have all the conditions for a successful study. This is a unique opportunity for me to contribute and develop my experience and skills at the university and continue my research. It is easy for me to integrate into teams, and it gives me great pleasure to have the opportunity to study in an intercultural atmosphere. Due to my active interest in science and research, I enjoy participating in projects. I am happy to help my classmates in their studies and in organizing extracurricular activities. Independent work is also a matter of course for me.”
As a rule, preference is given to those candidates who already have practical skills in their specialty or are working on implementing scientific projects. If you listen to the recommendations and take responsibility for implementing all points, then your participation in the scholarship program is doomed to success. Keep in mind that you can always ask a professional to “write my scholarship essay” if you are not confident in your abilities. Good luck, and do your best!
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